rendaw an hour ago

How? Did Ryujinx cross any lines? I thought emulators were OK given they didn't include verbatim binary payloads and the like. What's Nintendo's leverage here?

Also, for that matter, the last I heard was that the Yuzu steam release was killed, but it seems to have been killed beyond that?

  • sunaookami an hour ago

    >emulators were OK

    This has never been tested in court - the bleem case was before DMCA. Nintendo is always playing the copyright and security circumvention card and no one wants to fight it (understandably). Details of the Ryujinx case are not public but I guess they used the Yuzu case as a threat.

    Yuzu was killed because Nintendo sued Tropic Haze LLC (the company behind Yuzu) and issued a permanent injunction.

    • ChocolateGod 26 minutes ago

      I wouldn't be surprised if they are legal (e.g. look at Wine), but in a US court Nintendo will happily make it so expensive for a defendant that they have no choice but to concede.

    • rendaw an hour ago

      I can see that killing development by Tropic Haze, but the repositories are gone and not just stopped/locked/archived, and all forks seem to be eliminated too. I didn't think it was possible to that thoroughly kill an open source project, but nintendo apparently managed somehow.

      • meesles 41 minutes ago

        FWIW, the emulator and source are all still circulating in less prominent places. It'll be back at some point.

Spivak an hour ago

It's only going to get harder (for Nintendo) as the Switch 2 will be their second generation console based on tweaked commodity hardware. When you're close enough to hardware people already own that the amount of true emulation needed is minimal making it easier than past consoles to have performant emulation.

  • stonethrowaway an hour ago

    The switch uses an ARM processor I imagine? Not something custom? What chips do they have that are bespoke and have to be fully emulated?