Show HN: CREV – A Go-based CLI tool for AI code reviews and codebase exports

1 points by elpookie 2 hours ago

I’ve recently built CREV, a Go-based CLI tool designed to get AI-powered code reviews from your terminal. The idea came from my frustration with manually copying code into ChatGPT or Claude to get feedback on my projects. Although ChatGPT could provide me with useful suggestions, it lacked the full context of my project, which often resulted in incomplete reviews since it didn’t know my entire directory structure and the content of all the files. I wanted to fix that, while also eliminating the constant switching between VSCode and my browser.

So after a month of development, I’m excited to share CREV:

- GitHub:

- Website:


- Full Codebase Export: Exports your entire directory structure and the content of all the files of your project into a single text file.

- AI-Powered Code Reviews: CREV reviews your bundled codebase and outputs the review as a markdown file.

- Terminal-Based Workflow: CREV is a CLI tool, removing the need to switch between your editor and the browser.

I have written the CREV CLI tool in Go as I was interested in learning the language and I heard many good things about its efficiency and speed. I used Cobra to manage the CLI commands and Viper for handling configurations. This is the first project I have done with Go but I find the language interesting and the Go routines also help with reading in your entire codebase. For the code reviews themselves I use google cloud functions which invoke GPT-4o (am also planning to add Claude 3.5 and GPT-o1).

I’d love to hear your feedback—whether it’s ideas for new features or reasons why you believe this tool is useful or useless to you. I am using it daily so it at least solved my own problem :)