fullshark 2 hours ago

He also said this would be the last election if Harris wins. He's saying the future is dire if Harris wins.

  • JKCalhoun 2 hours ago

    Taking the stage to fear monger at Trump rallies now. Is anyone still defending this guy?

stackghost 2 hours ago

Mars is a profoundly stupid choice for human colonization. It's likely the low gravity will result in muscle loss and bone density problems, the soil is full of toxic chemicals, and there's no magnetosphere so the surface is constantly bombarded with high energy ionizing radiation.

Seems like Musk has been playing too much Terraforming Mars (which admittedly is a great board game).

  • stavros 2 hours ago

    > It's likely the low gravity will result in muscle loss and bone density problems

    What are the problems? What's actually affected adversely, if you don't intend to return to earth?

    • stackghost 2 hours ago

      I'm far from a human physiology expert; I just know that low gravity causes bone demineralization.

      There's no reason to suspect it's a nicely linear problem where your bones just conveniently scale down to Martian sized bones.

      We are exceedingly complex organisms.

Kye 2 hours ago

It's more of a political oblate spheroid.

seydor 2 hours ago

Interesting that he s betting on her winning

FrustratedMonky 2 hours ago

Anybody have a quick summary so we don't have to go down a reddit rabbit whole.

From the link there is something-something, Trump/Musk will use StarLink to fight a winnable nuclear war, and also Musk says Dems will stifle going to Mars with Bureaucracy, and something-something the military will use starlink to fight a space war. etc...

How is Mars some political football now?