jtchang an hour ago

What switches enterprise or consumer tend to support this LLDP? My guess is maybe almost none on the consumer side. I.e. Netgear, to link. Cisco probably does. How about ubiquti?

  • hackmiester 9 minutes ago

    Almost any managed switch will support it. Netgear does. Ubiquiti definitely does, even their APs do.

  • tcrenshaw 33 minutes ago

    I know mikrotik supports this. On the higher end, most of the Dells switches I interacted with as well as Aruba had LLDP. Different manufacturers tend to report their interfaces slightly differently though

jackweirdy 3 hours ago

This couldn’t have been better timed for me.

I sit with a pile of raspberry Pis I throw into different rooms about the house and want to stick assorted tasks on them. My open question was how can I just image them, plug them in and centrally configure what runs on them with no more sd card or Mac detection shenanigans when I change their job.

I’ll be giving this a try!

bagels 3 hours ago

How fun, I solved a similar problem in a similar way. 90 identical devices, each with their own Ethernet cable and 128 Ethernet ports. The solution was to configure the switch to make DHCP assignments based on port number, then the device could just query its own IP address. Port 1 ->, 99 -> 192...199

jeffrallen 3 hours ago

LLDP: this is the way

But also, I was wondering if she was going to say, "these devices have cameras on them which are not used because they are pointed in random directions depending on how they are mounted". And then I was hoping to see an interesting image recognition task, "given this blurry, dim, random image, choose which location it probably came from".

I got nerd sniped to the power of 2.